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6-Month SILVER Primiti Pack
6-Month SILVER Primiti Pack
99.00 EUR
Icône croix En savoir plus 6-MONTH PRIMITI SILVER PLAN Makes you MANAGER TRAINEE (402 points) Cash Back warranty: 30 days Primiti Advanced Hosting : - Authorized Amount of Members: 1000 - Amount of Rotating Publicities: 3 - Web Hosting Space: 20 GIG - Bandwidth: Uncalculated The Gold Primiti Plan includes a Primiti Pro webhosting, a Webd and a Webcompteur. This plan can be activated as soon as it is bought or after the purchase of another plan. Visit the <a href="http://?USAGER?">“Why should one buy a Primiti Hosting package?” </a> section to learn more about this product. The Primiti Pro hosting package includes specifically: - Three publicity campaign, which you may edit at all time and that are permanently rotating as long as you remain a member of the publicity exchange network. Your ads are displayed in the owner section. Please note that your website will not have to feature ads from other Primiti users. - Preinstalled and ready-to-use Boutique on the homepage. You have more than 2000 partners and more than 25 millions products for sale. You get commissions on several levels, which are on your sales and the ones of your direct & indirect godchildren, you get Cash Back on your purchases and you are remunerated to visit pages with ads. (Network Mode only) - Standard Hosting with 20 GIG disk space for your files, bandwidth and you also get a free domain name (.com, .net, .org, .ws, .eu, .biz, .info, .be, .es). You can easily replace the preinstalled website with your own by adding a “index.html” file to the webhosting root. - A preinstalled and working member management and prospect system. All your members can promote your website or use it to make money with a personalized address like this one: http://username.yourdomainname.ext - You can link types (positions) to your members and give them access to some menus and/or files according to the types. (Independent Mode only) - Dynamic modules that let you create Web pages, menus and a preset design (header, footer, main colors, etc.). You can easily display someone’s information, thanks to our dynamic variable system that adds personalized texts to web pages. For instance, if a member’s name is “Andrew”, you can add this information on his website (andrew.yourdomainname.ext). You could also add the text “Hello Andrew” in his management center. - Option to add more information on your members, such as an affiliation system identification number. Such a system is used to follow the sale of a specific product, as well as someone’s progression. Your members may, therefore, with their own identification number available in the “My Account” section in their management center. You can include these variables on your web pages or in the web addresses. - Option to import or export your dynamic web pages or preset design. - Option to import a string of menus to your website. You may for instance import the whole “My Account” section that lets your members edit their information and/or their “Registration” and “Member access” sections. These options are used to allow your visitors register or access the member management center. - Multilingual system that lets you create your multilingual website. You may easily add translations to your dynamic web pages, menus and preset designs. We already had translated in four languages a number of menus that you may import to your website. You can in no time display language flags on the top-right corner with your preset design. - Create your own boutique with your own products. Use our cart system. Take the most out of the automatic payment system with the most popular ones like Paypal or Moneybookers. Easily install a MLM system to remunerate your members. (Independent Mode only) - Mailing and answering machine for your prospects and members. AND MUCH MORE TO DISCOVER!

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De plus, vous recevez deux sites complets et prêts à vendre en droit de revente, et ce, GRATUITEMENT!

Vous aurez les pages capture, les pages de vente, les séquences de mails automatiques de relance et les ebooks en boutique! En moins d'une minute, ces deux sites seront importés sur votre Promety et vous pourrez commencer à en faire la promotion ;)

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